Update: Firefox Release

Firefox has been released as of 11/08/06.
Please see entry: Firefox RELEASED
for updated information and download link.

Okay, so I like totally didn’t notice that Firefox did NOT come out this past Wednesday as I had posted in Firefox & IE7 Force Feeding. It was not until a forum member in Go Firefox! responded to my post there asking about the status that I realized this had happened. I also realized I had not been over to Firefox Builds on mozillaZine in a couple days as well.

After checking in at Firefox Builds, I found out some new info about the pending Firefox and beyond builds. First, per the Firefox Release Schedule, the new release date is Wednesday, November 8th (note: this is subject to change). Also it appears Firefox is only going to be a feature enhancement build. What this means, is that any bug fixes or regression issues that were not repaired or controlled with the build will not be addressed in this build. Instead they will be in the build and no, I don’t have a release date on that build.

However what caught my attention was some discussion earlier in Firefox Builds saying that the updater in will not give you a choice to decline the update to (I don’t have a release date for this either) and stay in the 1.5.0.X builds. I’ll have to follow that thread as this does not make any sense.

1 Comment on Update: Firefox Release

  1. Can anyone tell me why didn’t automatically upgrade to 2.0?

    It seems that now I have in inform all my technophobic friends how to download and install 2.0 separately. And this is after years of telling them “don’t download & install off the web!”

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