December 27, 2006

Flock Can Convert Your Fx Extensions

I use Flock for all my feeds but am disappointed that I could not get my favorite extension CoLT. Tonight I had done a search on the Flock Extensions site and this what was displayed: No results were found for your search query. Please try another or just upload a Firefox extension to convert it so that it will work with Flock. When you click the above link you will be taken to an upload utility where you can either upload the Firefox Extension XPI file or the URL for the XPI file you want to convert to Flock. The…

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Fx Not Accessing Secure Sites

A while back I posted about The Firefox 2 SSL 2.0 Tweak. Still some folks continue to have issues with Firefox not being able to access secure sites. SSL (Secure Socket Layers) is a protocol that secures communication over the Internet, which most banking sites and online stores require to send sensitive information. Here are some things to check if you are still having issues: Since SSL requires Firefox to use a loopback connection, check to be sure your firewall is not blocking INCOMING connections to Firefox. This is by far the most common reason for this issue. I had…

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A couple new features…

I’ve added a couple new features to the right side bar: Posts of Interest: These are posts which are great reference guides and contain a wealth of Firefox information. Currently there are only two posts included: Firefox 2.0 Tweaks Guide and Fx Year In Review. More should be added in the future. Note: If there is a post you feel should be included let me know, it is easy for me to overlook some posts. Latest From The Guru: Lists the last 5 posts in order as they appear in the blog (not necessarily as they were published). On rare…

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