March 27, 2007

PodTech:Inside Mozilla Foundation (the folks who bring us Firefox)

Robert Scoble interviews Mozilla CEO, better known as Chief Lizard Wrangler, Mitchell Baker. Note: Interview is about 40 minutes long! [podtech content=]

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All Pre-Existing Add-ons Public Again

I had mentioned in New AOM & The Sandbox some of the pre-existing add-ons (such as Resizeable Textarea) had been in placed in the sandbox. This was causing users to get an “Add-on not found!” message when they tried to follow a link to an existing add-on that was in the sandbox. Based on user feedback this has changed: All add-ons that were public in AMO prior to Remora’s launch this weekend should now be publicly available on AMO again. News Source: Mozilla Webdev

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