Weekly Update 2007-04-30

Okay, so this is a day late. I had the rare event of having a three-day weekend this past weekend so I kept thinking today was Monday. Anyway here is the latest from this week’s Weekly Update meeting:

  • Fx – Code freeze was last Friday (04/27). RC1 should be out Tuesday (05/01) morning. Estimated Release: May 22nd.
    REMINDER: Fx 1.5.0.X users is the last update and end of support for this version
  • Thunderbird 2 – Released April 18th. ~1 Million Downloads within first six days!
  • Firefox 3/Gecko 1.9 – Alpha 4 released on April 27th. Alpha 5 should have Places and may be Break Pad as well. User Interface changes besides Places will include Password Manager. Set Release: May 31st

Don’t forget to check out our Upcoming Releases section for a comprehensive list of upcoming Fx and TBird releases.