November 14, 2011


While Tab Utilities has a lot of stuff to offer, the only feature I really needed was to have the ability to Faviconize a tab. As B. Moore pointed out, there is add-on that does just that, FaviconizeTab. For those who want their links to open in a new tab to the far right instead of to the right of the pinned tabs or the current tab go into about:config, filter for browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent and double-click to change to False. This add-on works with Firefox 4.0 and newer (Firefox 3.6 did not support App Tabs) and is about 10 KB in…

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Facebook Update

We’ve made it easier to get to us on Facebook now. We can now be found at We are also trying to add more content such as the recent poll about App Tabs to go along with the posts earlier today about this often unknown or misused feature in Firefox 4 and newer.

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App Tabs

Back when Firefox 4.0 rolled out in March one of the (many) new features was a little something called App Tabs. This was something borrowed from Chrome and even we didn’t really understand the correct use of this feature when we wrote about it in the Firefox 4 Quick Guide. Of course at this point, it really doesn’t matter what you are using an App Tab for as their behavior won’t change until Firefox 9 is released in December. As reported earlier, in Firefox 9 the new ‘Don’t Load Tabs’ option is going to exclude App Tabs starting in Firefox…

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Tab Utilities

I was pointed to this add-on in the Firefox Builds forum when I had first inquired why my App Tabs were loading in Firefox 9 Beta upon start-up even though I had Don’t load tabs until selected checked. I had thought that my profile was broken (which it was, but unrelated to this normal behavior). This after being told App Tabs are for web applications not normal pages.I know I was not using them for the intended purpose, but I liked how the app tab took up 85% less space on my tab bar. Tab Utilities allows me to ‘Faviconize’…

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Changes to “Don’t Load Tabs” option

Firefox 9 is going to bring a change to the new Don’t load tabs until selected feature which was introduced in Firefox 8. In Firefox 8, when Don’t load tabs until selected option is checked, ALL tabs (normal and pinned/app) don’t load until selected. However, in Firefox 9.0 (release date December 20th, 2011) only regular tabs will not be loaded until selected, pinned/app tabs will load on start-up and prior to the last viewed tab. There was talk in Bug 674452 of adding a Always restore pinned tabs sub-option (checked by default) under the Don’t load tabs until selected option,…

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