August 1, 2015

First Look At Windows 10 — Part 1

So after some trial and error along with one hang-up during the upgrade, I managed to get Windows 10 on the Dell Optiplex GX620 or as I call it The Guinea Pig. Now, unlike my two main systems: an HP Laptop running Windows 7 which I use for school and a Gateway Desktop running Windows 8.1, The Guinea Pig did not have the upgrade offer on the taskbar. I had not done much with this system as I had originally picked it up so I could have an end device on my Cisco Network Lab. Once I finished my CCNA certifications back in May everything went into storage, until…

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Lightning on a fresh install of Thunderbird

The machine I upgraded to Windows 10 on Saturday did not have Thunderbird installed. I did a clean install of Thunderbird 38.1.0 with a clean profile. Upon first run I noticed Lightening was already there along with some options at the bottom: First run of a fresh install of Thunderbird 39.1.0 I like the way Mozilla has this setup that you can either keep or disable Lightning. This is what they should have done with Pocket in Firefox.

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Firefox 40 and Windows 10 Default Browser

One of the first things I wanted to check out was how Mozilla had worked around Microsoft disabling the default browser API. I downloaded and installed Firefox 40 Beta on the freshly upgraded Windows 10 machine and upon first run I was asked if I wanted to make Firefox my default browser (Chrome was currently default and then I had switched it to Edge later for testing purposes). Firefox detected it was NOT the default browser Once you click the Use Firefox as my default browser button the Windows 10 Settings > System > Default Apps screen opens which is a…

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