This Pearls Before Swine cartoon is the inspiration for this evening’s entry. I’ve gotten some feedback from members on Go Firefox! they have visited my blog. However, I really have no way of tracking visitors unless people leave comments!!! The only comments I have gotten thus far were obliviously done by a robot since they were by the same person, duplicated, minutes a part and not even related to the topic at hand. Because of this I had enabled to word verification feature for leaving comments. You see these all the time on web registrations forms, there is a graphic containing numbers and/or letters that you must enter in order to submit the form. This keeps those pesky spam robots from auto filling & submitting the forms.
So I am asking, if you read my entry’s drop a comment (good or bad) just something so I know people are reading the humble Guru’s Blog. Thanks!
I hear you. I tried to use the new polling tool by wordpress to find out the same on my site. I was less than impressed. 70 hits on the post and only 10 votes and the most important to me was the location question. Based on the small sample, my readers are not local in the states I serve as minister. I serve two congregations. For me that is problematic but the size of the sample is not large enough for me to know if this is a true read or not.
Yet consider this, your earliest archive entry is in May of 2006. Is that when you began this blog? You have had a total of over half a million views in that time period which is an incredible amount of traffic. Roughly 250 thousand views a year? Just under 20 thousand a month? To me that is phenomenal. You would not have this amount of views if there was not something you were writing that people found of interest to them.
I have only just broken the 1000 views per month barrier. And while I am excited to have this growth in readership, the point of my blog is to create dialog in the two states I work in where there are very few ministers in my denomination. So I wanted to know where they were from, am I reaching my targeted audience. For me that question is still unanswered. BLessings, (Rev) Fred