Bad news.,there seems to be one pesky bug (and is big one) that won’t go away. The burrito-overflow bug (Cannot eat 10 burritos in 2 hours without vomiting) is a pesky one. Okay, so the developers are were just trying to break the tension with a little fun. There is a serious bug though it has to do with the rendering. This however has knocked the current release schedule totally out-of-whack with all the major milestones being pushed back a week. There is some good news though, if everything goes as planned (which thus far it hasn’t) FF 2.0 is still scheduled for final release on September 26th. Here is the new (and subject to change) release schedule:
- August 23rd, Beta 2
- September 8th, Release Candidate 1
- September 15th, Release Candidate 2
- September 22nd, Release Candidate 3
- September 26th, FF 2.0 FINAL RELEASE
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