From the January 9th, 2012 Mozilla Weekly Status meeting was mention that “The biggest piece of Silent Update landed: a Windows service so updates don’t require UAC prompts.” The link takes you to the feature page, but really doesn’t provide much more info. I am not even certain if the entire feature is done yet. If it is then we would likely see this in the Firefox 12 release on July 17th, 2012.
The announcement of the first Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) coming with Firefox 10 on January 31st also means Firefox 3.6 support will finally be ending. Mozilla will end support for Firefox 3.6 on April 24th, 2012 which is 12-weeks after the first Firefox ESR launch on January 31st, 2012. Firefox 3.6 was released in January 2010 and will be the longest running Firefox release at 27 months (followed by Firefox 2.0.0 which was retired after 22 months).
Mozilla has announced Thunderbird will follow the Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) plan. The current plan is the first Firefox ESR will be based off of the upcoming Firefox 10 release coming at the end of this month. With that release comes a 12-week ‘grace-period’ for continued support of the Firefox 3.6 release which would put the final release on April 24th, 2012. However, Thunderbird has been a bit slower to adapt to new release processes (the first rapid release cycle release was Thunderbird 6). It is uncertain at this time if the first Thunderbird ESR will be based off…
Have you received an invitation to turn your Facebook profile red or black? Maybe pink?“Ignore it, security experts warn. It is another scam spreading on the social media site…” Friday, 13 Jan 2012, Source: More Scam Offers Pink Facebook Profile Switch ↑Go get it↓
Mozilla recently announced the planned implementation of an Extended Support Release (ESR) for enterprise users and other users who do not want to take part of the rapid release cycle. We touched on ESR briefly back in October 2011. Under the ESR plan, there will be one ES Firefox release per year (the first based of the upcoming Firefox 10 due out at the end of this month). Under the rapid release process, there is a new Firefox release every six weeks which is about 8 releases per year (which is fairly close to the amount under the old release process)….
Looks like my last post was right before Christmas. Sure does not seem like it has been nearly 3-weeks since I had last posted. I’ve been very busy during those past weeks, plus there really hasn’t been much Firefox news either with the holidays. This past week was the first full work week for Mozilla and there was one major announcement that Gareon posted in my absence (along with some other news items). While I have been busy, I have been following the weekly Mozilla Status meetings (though there have not been many with the Christmas and New Years holidays…
Mozilla has announced plans to offer an annual Extended Support Release (ESR) of Firefox for enterprises and other adopters that don’t want to keep up with the browser’s new rapid release cycle. Each ESR will receive regular security patches, but will not be updated with new functionality until the next ESR becomes available…. “ January 10, 2012 Source: More Firefox extended support will mitigate rapid release challenges
Just installed it and I like the look of it but haven’t tested changing the colors yet. …Firefox users who have installed a new theme in the browser may also notice that the initial scrollbar design might not be that fitting for the selected theme. The New Scrollbars add-on for the Firefox web browser offers to replace the default scrollbar with another one. It ships with a total of seven scrollbar colors that are made available for themes with light and dark backgrounds, bringing the overall total of available custom scrollbars to 14… “ Source: Ghacks Change The…
It has only taken Mozilla 8 (well, no 7 as there was no Thunderbird 5) Thunderbird releases to catch up with the UI change made in Firefox 4. The Daily builds of Thunderbird 12 now have the tab bar at the top of the window. Presently though, there is not an option not to have the tabs on top. Thunderbird 12 is schedule for release on April 24, 2012.
Firefox is poised to deliver some new tools for web developers. When Firefox 10 is released in early 2012 it will add HTML and CSS inspectors designed to help web developers inspect and debug their code. Later releases will add more features, like a 3-D page inspector and even a built-in code editor… “ Source: Webmonkey | Wired.comMore An Overview of Firefox’s Coming Developer Tools