Firefox 15.0.1 Released (Desktop Only)

Mozilla has pushed out the update to Firefox 15 for desktop users to address the issues with the Private Browsing not functioning correctly. Current Firefox desktop users should be offered the update shortly. Users may also manually update via Help > About Firefox and click the ‘Check for Updates’ button or go to and download Firefox 15.0.1 for there.  Firefox 15.0.1 for Android will be released in the coming weeks. The Private Browsing issue does not affect Android users.

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Potty Putter

I recall seeing this in a mail order catalog, but never on TV. The website redirects to a site selling other ‘infomerical’ items. The Potty Putter doesn’t appear to be offered by this site. However, (second video) is still selling them. Be sure to check out the ‘free gift’ offer at the end of the first video.

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Firefox 15.0.1 Coming Soon

Mozilla is getting ready to push out a chemspill update to Firefox 15 later Wednesday or Thursday, This is in response to Bug 787743 (Private Browsing mode not working in Firefox 15.0).

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Bear Scratch

This one still exists nearly two years later, which is a bit suprising. The inventor Richard Heenes as seen in the video is a just little wacky. Guess he is trying to draw attenion away from the whole Balloon Boy incident from back in October 2009. Wonder if he has sold enough to make back the $36,000 in restitution he had to pay?

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Gallery Offline unit Further Notice

NOTE:, and  are being redirected to this blog post temporally. Due to security issues I am taking the gallery offline until further notice. I am working on getting the Gallery setup on a new content provider. While I did like the layout of Zen Photo, it has been a source of security issues on our server which has affected some of our sister sites. While Zen Photo has been prudent on updating their software, trying to install said updates is very difficult and time consuming. This usually requires a complete re-install of the application and sometime even requires recreating the galleries. An announcement will…

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The Uro Club

One of those sounded good in theory, but not so much in reality. $49.95 (plus shipping & handling) seems a bit excessive. They must not have done so well, the website is no longer active.

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Cleaning Up Firefox After a Malware Mishap

I have come to the realization now, that I should except any software I download and install to try and sneak bloatware or Malware on to my system. This can be in the form of a browser toolbar or some type of ‘security software’ or Windows optimizer. Avast! has their WebRep extension that is installed into all the browsers on your system. This is suppose to tell you how reputable a site is when you are doing a Google search. Java is partnering now with McCrappy McAfee. Waterfox now serves up a bunch of stuff from AVG unless you go hunting around the custom install…

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Close Other Tabs Warning

This has to be one of those rare features that I can say in all my years of using Firefox, I’ve never used or even found a need to use. Talking about the ‘Close Other Tabs’ option in the context menu when right-clicking on a tab. As the name suggests, it close all the other (except App Tabs) tabs while keeping the current one open. Chrome has this feature as well along with an option to close tabs to the right. Apparently some folks rather right-click on a tab and select ‘Close Tab’ instead of clicking the X and these…

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Waterfox 15 & AVG

IMPORTANT: Waterfox is an UNOFFICIAL (not supported, affiliated, sponsored, Mozilla Corp.) 64-Bit redistribution of Firefox for Windows. I am really getting tired of applications trying to sneakily install security software/toolbars. Java and Flash have been doing this with their recent updates. Avast! has their ‘web rep’ plugin that it likes to install on ALL your browsers. The latest offender (and a major one at that) is Waterfox 15. After downloading Waterfox 15 and uninstalling Waterfox 14 (more on this in a bit) I went through the install process. After the initial install screen and selecting where I wanted shortcuts placed I was taken to a screen…

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