
EVs Can Be a Help to the US Power Grid

One of the major issues for EV owners this past summer has been charging. It wasn’t the lack of access to charging stations, rather states such as California and Colorado were experiencing record breaking heat and issuing alerts asking people to reduce their power consumption during the peak times to avoid rolling blackouts. For EV owners who would normally plug-in when they get home, this meant unplugging or not starting to charge until the power demand dropped later in the evening. Bidirectional or vehicle-to-grid charging which while has been around for a few years has been slow to take off in the…

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The Big Problem with Electric Vehicles

During the first half of 2022 there has been lots of talk about pushing the folks in the US from our internal combustion engine (ICE) cars to Electric Vehicles (EV). California (and several other states who blindly follow California) have recently decided by 2035 no new gas cars can be sold in the state. This is not an out-right ban on ICE cars and not to say residents can’t purchase from a neighboring state that still sells ICE cards. General Motor’s wants their Buick brand to be EV only by 2030. GM is offering to buy-out dealers who don’t want…

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