Permalinks & Domain

I am in the process of getting my new domain, setup with the blog. I have been experiencing some issues with the DNS servers tonight so the new domain may not be working for some people. Hopefully this will clear itself up shortly, but may take up to 48 hours for some of the servers to update. Once the DNS issues are resolved you should be able to access the blog using the new address.

With the new domain name setup, the address in the address bar remains static regardless of where in the blog you are. Because of this, I have added a permalink (a link that readers can use to bookmark the current blog post) to many of the articles on the blog. At this time all new articles, the most popular articles, articles posted within the last couple weeks and a few others have permalinks on the bottom right of the article just above the categories and comments line. Since this blog spans nearly 300 posts, most of the older posts will not have permalinks.
