Weekly Update 2007-04-16

Some big news from today’s meeting:

  • Fx Code Freeze is set for this Friday (04/20) but currently their are 60 open blocker bugs on the branch. The last release date I had saw was sometime in Mid-May. So technically, support for the 1.5.0.X builds will not end on April 24th.
  • Major Update has been pushed back until after this next build release. Actually this makes a lot of sense, since Fx is going to be the last build on the 1.5.0.X branch. More details on this to come in the following week.
  • Thunderbird 2 is coming very, very soon! The notes say sometime later this week. I took a quick look over at the Thunderbird Builds forum on mozillaZine, but didn’t see anything about an actual release date.
  • No Fx 3/Gecko 1.9 news today, but sure (especially since it has been two weeks since the last Fx 3 status meeting) there will be some new information at tomorrow’s Fx 3 and/or Wednesday’s Gecko 1.9 meetings.

See complete Meeting Notes for all the details.