Fx 3: Always Display ‘Go’ Button

Note: For this tweak I recommend using the ChromEdit Plus extension.

Okay, apparently some people do want to have the ‘Go’ Button to always be displayed.  To do so, simply add these lines to your userChrome.css file located in your profile folder:

/* Always display Go Button */
#urlbar[pageproxystate="valid"] > #urlbar-icons > #go-button { visibility: visible !important;

Tip Source: I’m Just an Avatar

3 Comments on Fx 3: Always Display ‘Go’ Button

  1. I’m wondering how to proceed with FF 3.0.5 that does NOT have a userChrome.css file?? (There is, however, a userChrome-example.css?)

  2. @FF3User – The userChrome.css is a user generated file and not with Firefox Profile by default. Rename the userChrome-example.css to userChrome.css and make your modifications in there. Just make sure you do not remove the line
    @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* set default namespace to XUL */

  3. This is pointless people. If you are typing the URL, then use the Enter button. It’s easiest and fastest. If you are just using the mouse and are too lazy to hit the Enter key and than back to the mouse or to have the use your other hand, then download Paste and Go v.3 and skip the Go button completely.

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. El botoncito de IR … vino » vagabundia
  2. Show Go! « Firefox Extension Guru’s Blog

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