Firefox 3.1 is now 3.5

As I had mentioned last week in Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 Coming Soon & More News Mozilla was considering changing the number of Firefox 3.1 to 3.5.

According to today’s Firefox meeting notes, the version bump aims to reflect more accurately the many changes introduced since the release of Firefox 3.0, the latest major release, last summer. These includes several changes to tabbed browsing, significant improvements to web standards compatibility, a deeply enhanced JavaScript engines, and several new privacy related including an all new private mode that allows users to clear all their browsing activities at the end of a session.

The next beta, Beta 3, will still be labeled as 3.1 while all the necessary changes are made on Mozilla’s several development tools.

Source: Mozilla Links

4 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Teck~Line
  2. Mozilla released a new version of Firefox version 3.0.7 “security update” « Teck~Line
  3. Firefox 3.1 ahora será Firefox 3.5 « Gabuntu
  4. Firefox 3.7 going to Beta as Firefox 4.0 « The Firefox Extension Guru's Blog

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