Firefox 3.6.11 Released

After several delays, Firefox 3.6.11 was released on October 19th and fixed several stability and security issues. See the release notes for more details.

User should soon be prompted to upgrade but can also can by going to the Help the Menu and selecting Check For Updates…

5 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. No Firefox 4 Beta 7 Yet « The Firefox Extension Guru's Blog
  2. Firefox Releases 3.6, (Last) 3.5 Update with Stability and Security Fixes [Updates] | High Tech Toys
  3. Firefox Releases 3.6, (Last) 3.5 Update with Stability and Security Fixes [Updates] | LifeHaker
  4. Firefox Releases 3.6, (Last) 3.5 Update with Stability and Security Fixes [Updates] « The BAT Channel
  5. Firefox Releases 3.6, (Last) 3.5 Update With Security Fixes | Lifehacker Australia

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