Server Migration Complete

Today, is Saturday, April 29th and we have successfully completed the sever migration before our May 1st deadline. There were some minor hiccups along the way, but nothing major. The Gallery did not migrate well and still not sure what the underlying causes were other than the resource intensive template (more so because there was a plugin that went along with the template).  We did have about 20-minute span last night where users were getting a certificate warning error. Not sure what happen there as it appears the add-on domain for the blog did not get setup properly in cPanel which caused the Let’s Encrypt certificate to not be generated correctly. Removing and re-adding the add-on domain in cPanel then reissuing the certificate seemed to resolve this issue.

Rant alert!

I really wish hosting providers would reward loyalty by offering customers, especially those who initially signed up for a long term plan (in my case 3-years) a discounted renewal option. This would eliminate having to move everything each time a terms end. It is not a good business model when a new customer at a new provider can get a 3-year hosting plan for 60% less than their current provider wanted to charge them for a 1-year renewal. Also, the previous provider no longer offers a 3-year tern, 2-years is the max. Good news is we don’t need to worry about this until April 2026, bad news is we need to go through this crap again in April 2026.