Mozilla has released the next version, Firefox 18 on January 8, 2013 for both desktop and Android users. Several fixes and enhancements including faster JavaScript performance via IonMonkey compiler and support for Retina Display on OS X 10.7 and up. See release notes [Desktop | Android] for full details. Firefox for Organizations 10.0.12esr and 17.0.2esr are in process of being released. Depending on your settings (Firefox Menu > Options > Options > Advanced > Update Tab) you will be promoted within the next the 24-48 hours to update or can manually check via Firefox Menu > Help > About Firefox. You can also download…
As part of our New Years updating we have decided to remove the Wiki. The biggest reasons were that it duplicated content already on the blog and it was getting too time consuming to maintain/update the wiki application. We have introduced a new How-To section to the blog. This section lists all the posts with the category of Tips & Tweaks > How-To and will always be up-to-date. Also on this page is information about editing the userChrome/userContent files, using the built-in preferences manager (aka about:config) as well as locating your profile folder. Finally, we cleaned up the Releases page,…
As part of our New Years updating we have decided to remove the Wiki. The biggest reasons were that it duplicated content already on the blog; it was getting too time consuming to maintain/update the wiki application; new content was not being added in a timely matter. As a result a new How-To section has been added to the blog. This page lists all the posts with the category of Tips & Tweaks > How-To and will always be up-to-date. Also on this page is information about editing the userChrome/userContent files, using the built-in preferences manager (about:config) as well as…
Just Released None Coming Soon Week of January 6th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.12 Thunderbird ESR 17.0.1 Thunderbird 18 Thunderbird 19 Beta (19.0b1)* Thunderbird 20 Earlybird (20.0a2)* Future Releases February 19th Thunderbird ESR 17.0.2 Thunderbird 19 Thunderbird 20 Beta (20.0b1)* Thunderbird 21 Earlybird (21.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days.
Just Released None Coming Soon Week of January 6th Firefox 18 Firefox for Android 18 Firefox 17.0.2 ESR Firefox 19 Beta (19.0b1)* Firefox 20 Aurora (20.0a2)* Future Releases February 19th Firefox 19 Firefox for Android 19 Firefox 17.0.3 ESR Firefox 20 Beta (20.0b1)* Firefox 21 Aurora (21.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days.
Over the holidays we finally made some much needed updates to the blog. One of the biggest changes was moving off of the obsolete Weaver theme to the new (and very much improved) Weaver II theme. Some other new features and fixes include: When sharing a post on Facebook, the site logo is now the default thumbnail image. Previously Facebook would pick several images from the blog, none of which were the site logo. The correct Favicon should now show in all browsers. Consolidated share buttons. We’ve kept the separate Facebook and Twitter buttons, but now there are many more share/bookmark (and email)…
Over the holidays we finally made some much needed updates to the blog. One of the biggest changes was moving off of the obsolete Weaver theme to the new (and very much improved) Weaver II theme. The color scheme has been updated to more closely match that of out main site. Some other new features and fixes include: When sharing a post on Facebook, the site logo is now the default thumbnail image. Previously Facebook would pick several images from the blog, none of which were the site logo. The correct Favicon should now show in all browsers. Consolidated share…
The move away from Flash is ever so slow, but at least there is movement. Starting with Firefox 20 (due out in April 2013) Windows users will have support for H.264 videos via the Windows Media Foundation Playback. Also Firefox for Windows will be able to support AAC audio in MP4 and M4A files, and MP3 audio files without having to rely on third-party plug-ins such as Flash and QuickTime. This feature is available, but not enabled on the current Windows Firefox Nightly Builds. Those currently using (can also get it here) the current Firefox 20 wishing to take advantage of this…
It seems Benjamin Smedberg has had a change of heart (or was it all the negative feedback) in his earlier decision to discontinue the Firefox 64-Bit Windows builds. After I announced my decision to disable 64-bit Windows nightlies, there was significant negative feedback. After reviewing that feedback, and consulting with Release Engineering, I believe that we can keep a set of users happy by making a modification to the original plan. At this point, the Mozilla project does not have the resources to actively support this use case. Making these builds, however, is not a significant burden on our Release Engineering…
” The big news of the day is another batch of Google services that get axed by the company. Among the services this time is Google Sync which will be disabled for the majority of users on January 30, 2013. Google suggests to use CardCav and CalDav as alternatives along with Imap to sync date between devices, and I thought it would be great to demonstrate how you can make use of those options to synchronize data with the Thunderbird email client. … “ Source: Address : Sync Google contacts with Thunderbird using CardDav