Review of Firefox for Android and Chrome for Android

“Smartphones can free you from your desk, as they allow you do many things on the go, including surfing the Internet. But the browser that comes preloaded on your phone doesn’t always offer the best features or performance. “Fortunately, you have a choice in mobile Web browsers. There are a number of free apps that you can download from the Google Play store, and this past week, I tested two of the more well-known mobile browsers: Firefox for Android by Mozilla, and Chrome for Android by Google. If the names sound familiar to you, it may be that you already…

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JAVA Plugin Update/Blocking

Users should ensure sure they have the most recent versions of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Developers Kit (JDK) plugins (note not all users may be using these plug-ins). Due to an increasingly exploited voluntarily found in the older versions of JRE and JDK plugins Mozilla is actively blocking outdated versions of these plugins. This vulnerability—present in the older versions of the JDK and JRE—is actively being exploited, and is a potential risk to users. To mitigate this risk, we have added affected versions of the Java plugin (Version 6 Update 32 and below as well as Version 7…

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Firefox 15 Beta Tackles Memory Leaks

“Mozilla has released a beta version of the next version of its Firefox browser with better memory management and significant speed improvements.…“For many users with add-ons installed, this will significantly reduce Firefox’s memory consumption, without requiring upgrades to those add-ons,” he adds. “For those users, Firefox 15 is likely to be faster (sometimes drastically so) and less likely to crash, especially if they have multiple add-ons installed and/or keep Firefox running for a long time between restarts…” Source: PC AdvisorMore   Firefox 15 Beta Tackles Memory Leaks Go get it.

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Enable opt-in plug-ins

” Firefox is a powerful Web browser, in part, because of its support for plug-ins. Unfortunately, some of those plug-ins can cause problems with security and stability, especially if you have a lot of them. In Firefox 14, you can now configure plug-ins to load only when clicked. Seth Rosenblatt first reported on the feature with Firefox 14 Aurora. Now that the stable version of 14 (technically 14.01) is finally out, here’s how to enable and use opt-in plug-ins in Firefox: …” July 19, 2012 Source: How To – CNET How to configure Firefox plug-ins to load only when clicked Go…

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Firefox 14.0.1 Released

Mozilla has released Firefox 14.0.1 for Windows, Mac and Linux desktop users as well as Android users on Tuesday, July 17th, 2012. Note: there was not a Firefox 14.0.0 release. Users will prompted to update within the next 72-hours or can manually update via Help > About Firefox or can download and install from the site. New stuff in Firefox 14.0.1 includes: Google searches now utilize HTTPS Full screen support for Mac OS X Lion implemented Plugins can now be configured to only load on click (requires an about:config change) The Awesome Bar now auto-completes typed URLs For information about Firefox 14.0.1 see the release notes:…

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Thunderbird 14 Update Released

Mozilla has released an update to Thunderbird on Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 for Windows, Mac and Linux. Thunderbird 14 includes Various fixes and performance improvements as well as security fixes. Users will prompted to update within the next 72-hours or can manually update via Help > About Thunderbird or can download and install Thunderbird from here. There is one known issue in regards to issues with RSS feeds, see the release notes for more information. Lighting Users: upon first run of Thunderbird 14, an add-on compatibility check with be done. At that time you will be prompted to update from…

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No Future Thunderbird Development

Mozilla announced on July 6th they will longer be doing new development (feature) with Thunderbird, instead they will just continue to provide  security and stability updates. To be honest, I really don’t know of anything else I would want Thunderbird to be able to do than what it can right now. After all, it is marketed as an email client. The only exception would be an integrated calendar but the Lightning or (better) EarlyLight add-ons take care of that. I have never really care to use Thunderbird for RSS feeds or even as a news reader (not that my ISP offers access to newgroups anymore). I certainly had…

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Firefox The Phone

” Mozilla has been making some small moves into mobile with the Firefox browser for Android, but today the company announced much bigger plans: Firefox OS, previously known as “Boot to Gecko,” is an entirely new operating system for smartphones. The OS will be based on Linux, but all apps will be entirely browser-based, built on HTML5, like Google’s Chrome OS… “ 07.02.2012 Source: Popular Science  You’ll Soon Be Able to Buy a Firefox Phone↑Go get it↓

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Waterfox a 64-Bit Windows “Firefox”

ALERT: As of version 15 released on August 29th, Waterfox now comes with bloatware and will attempt to install said bloatware without your knowledge or permission. Read more: Waterfox 15 & AVG. Linux and Mac users have enjoyed having a 64-bit versions of Firefox available to them for nearly the past two years. However, for us Windows users, Mozilla has been teasing us and/or dragging their feet with 64-Bit Firefox. As a point of clarification I should say that there has been since Firefox 4 (may be even further back) 64-bit Windows builds on the Nightly Developmental channel. These are not official releases and have never made…

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Fix Grub Loader in Mint 13

I recently added Mint 13 to my former Vista Machine which now also runs Windows 7. Mint seemed to have installed fine and I was able to run the MDN ProfileManager for Firefox (still having issues getting it to work for Thunderbird, but not that big of a deal). Everything seemed fine until one night my wireless internet adapter was giving me troubles on my main Windows 7 machine. Since Linux does not support most wireless adapters I was going to boot into Windows on the other machine and see if I could get the adapter to work on that…

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