Internet Gets a Hall of Fame

Interesting read.        GENEVA, Switzerland — The best revolutionaries eventually find themselves hailed in tributes and enshrined in museums.     So it’s almost inevitable that nearly 30 years after the official birthdate of the internet, some of the net’s best-known pioneers, radicals, and troublemakers are being inducted into the Internet Society’s Hall of Fame… “ More Source:  Epicenter | Address : The Internet Gets a Hall of Fame (Including Al Gore!) April 23, 2012 Go get it.

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FBI: Disinfect Your Computer Or Risk Losing Internet Access Come July

      The FBI is warning that hundreds of thousands of individuals could lose access to the internet come July 9 unless they disinfect and remove a malware Trojan off their computers.DNS Changer can infect both Windows and Mac systems. Linux users are safe, as are those using iPhones, iPads, Android devices and other systems… “ 4/23/2012 | Source:  Forbes More  FBI: Disinfect Your Computer Or Risk Losing Internet Access Come July

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Thunderbird Release Update: April 21, 2012

Just Released None Coming Soon April 24th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.4 Thunderbird 12.0.0 Thunderbird 13 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 14 Earlybird (13.0a2)* Future Releases June 5th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.5 Thunderbird 13 Final Thunderbird 14 Beta (14.0b1)* Thunderbird 15 Earlybird (15.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.

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Firefox Release Update: April 21, 2012

Just Released N/A Coming Soon April 24th Firefox ESR 10.0.4 Firefox 12.0.0 Firefox 12 for Android Firefox 13 Beta (13.0b1)* Firefox 14 Aurora (14.0a2)* Future Releases June 5th Firefox ESR 10.0.5 Firefox 13 Final Release Firefox 13 for Android Firefox 14 Beta (14.0b1)* Firefox 15 Aurora (15.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.

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Upcoming Firefox Click-to-play Feature

  Mozilla developers are working on a new Firefox feature that will block the automated display of plug-in-based content like Flash videos, Java applets or PDF files, and will protect users from attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in browser plug-ins to install malware on their computers.Known as “click to play,” this feature has been present in the popular NoScript Firefox security extension for many years, as well as in other browsers like Google Chrome and Opera… “ Source: PCWorld Business CenterMore Upcoming Firefox Click-to-play Feature Will Stop Automated Plug-in Exploits

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Adobe warns of Reader X security holes

April 11, 2012   Adobe’s flagship PDF Reader/Acrobat software contains multiple security vulnerabilities that expose computer users to dangerous hacker attacks. “ Source: ZDNetMore Adobe warns of Reader X security holes Or, try…   Foxit PDF Reader, the program that many consider to be a faster, lighter, more able Windows alternative to Adobe Reader, has recently jumped to version 5.0. This newest release comes with many of the same solid features, a few new ones, and an upgraded interface. “ Source:  : Foxit Reader Go get it.

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Java Problems Update

Update:I am using the JDK IcedTea plugin and it was disabled but shouldn’t have been. This and other problems have been fixed but you may have to do some cleaning to get the fix to work.Apple users see this link. Source: TidBITS Safe Computing – 10 Apr 2012  Fix Firefox to Show Updated Java Plug-In Others (this says Windows but worked on my Linux version):   This is fixed in production now. The block should now work as a softblock. If you had your plugin disabled here’s how to re-enable it: 1) Open about:support. 2) Look for the Profile Directory…

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Java Problems

I am running Javaless at the moment as, when Firefox disabled it, I just removed it.Since there are many programs that use Java technology I will have to deal with it at some point.        As OS vendors get better about patching their own flaws, malware authors are increasingly turning to third-party code to get their dirty work done, and Java is high on the list. It’s easy to say, “Just don’t use Java,” but what if a program you use requires it? I’ve got a list of problem apps and solutions… “ Source:  ZDNet  How big a security risk…

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Firefox for Windows 8 Metro Prototype

Brain Bondy has posted on his blog information on the progress of getting a Firefox version specially designed for the Windows 8 Metro interface. The article does include a couple screenshots which look very similar to the mobile interface as currently being built on the Fennec XUL code (which Mozilla moved away from last year in favor of the native UI on Android). According to the Firefox Roadmap a working prototype is expected for the 2nd quarter 2012. However, Alpha and Beta releases are not scheduled until the second half of 2012. Though at this time Microsoft does not have firm release date…

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Firefox to reclaim title as ‘Top Browser’ in 2012?

Tom’s Hardware presented a very detailed article as to why they think Mozilla can reclaim the title as ‘Top Browser’ with Firefox in 2012. Firefox did not fair well in 2011 and as we mentioned the other day, a lot of the decline has to do with Firefox 4. I am not so sure if Mozilla can really pull this off. I realize we just started the 2nd quarter of 2012, but Mozilla has a lot of work to do with Firefox still including improving the mobile side (Boot 2 Gecko should help this) as well as adapting Firefox for…

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