Create A Custom Firefox Installer

This sounds like a cool tool but I can’t try it myself as it is Windows only.        Deploying a customized version of the Firefox web browser can be quite the daunting task. It does not really matter if you are a home user who wants to copy Firefox to another PC, or a system administrator who has to deploy Firefox on hundreds of PCs. Home users can use Firefox backup programs like Febe or Mozbackup for instance to copy their extensions and settings to the new computer.Firefox Addon Maker offers to create custom Firefox installers that will not only…

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My Add-ons

Not all of these are enabled all the time as some of them I may not need to use on a daily basis. While a few are new, there are some I have used for years. Source: Collections :: Add-ons for Firefox  Currently Installed Go get it.

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Firefox vs Chrome Versions

I keep hearing many complaints on how Mozilla is moving too fast with the Firefox updates with Rapid Release. I have said time and time again, that nothing has changed, other than the numbering. Mozilla was releasing updates every six weeks even before Rapid Release. Consider this Mozilla Firefox 1.0 was released in November 2004 and version 10.0 was released at the end of January and Google Chrome was first released on September 2008 and just released version 17.0.963.56 a few days ago (complete release history). The amount of releases are fairly similar, but based on how people interpret the…

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Windows 8 Logo

As we had posted earlier this week there had been rumors of a new ‘Windows 8’ logo coming. It is now official, Microsoft posted the new logo (as seen below along with the past logos) on Friday afternoon. So the color has gone from a teal to more of turquoise now (or is that Microsoft Blue?) However, as Tom’s Hardware points out, Microsoft still hasn’t acknowledged that ‘Windows 8’ is going to be the official title, not just the code name. …Microsoft hasn’t ever confirmed that Windows 8 will be what the next version of Windows will be called, but…

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New Firefox UI Coming Later This Year

Below is a sample of what Firefox may look like by the end of the year with Firefox 17 (November 20th, 2012). Some things I have noticed is more streamline look, emphasis on app tabs, the removal of the forward button when you can not go forward. A couple big things is looks like they are dropping the separate search box which I am not too happy about (one thing I dislike about Google Chrome is everything is done from the url bar). Also MIA is the ‘Firefox Button’ introduced back in Firefox 4. I am not sure if Favicons…

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Thunderbird Release Update: February 18th, 2012

Just Released February 16th Thunderbird 10.0.2 Thunderbird 10.0.2 ESR Coming Soon March 13th Thunderbird 3.1.19 Thunderbird ESR 10.0.3 Thunderbird 11 Final Release Thunderbird 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 13 Earlybird (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Thunderbird 3.1.20 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.1.x BRANCH* Thunderbird ESR 10.0.4 Thunderbird 12 Final Thunderbird 13 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 14 Earlybird (13.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.

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Firefox Release Update: February 18th, 2012

Just Released February 16th Firefox 10.0.2 Firefox ESR 10.0.2 Firefox 10.0.2 for Android Firefox 11 Beta 3 Coming Soon March 13th Firefox 3.6.27 Firefox ESR 10.0.3 Firefox 11 Final Release Firefox 11 for Android Firefox 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Firefox 13 Aurora (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Firefox 3.6.28 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.6.X BRANCH* Firefox ESR 10.0.4 Firefox 12 Final Release Firefox 12 for Android Firefox 13 Beta (13.0b1)* Firefox 14 Aurora (14.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to…

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Thunderbird 10.0.2 Released

Mozilla Messaging released a security update to all versions of Thunderbird 10 on February 16, 2012. The Thunderbird 10.0.2 security release addresses a bug in the lipng reference library which could cause an integer overflow or truncation. This in turn could be exploited and could result in execution of arbitrary code on a victim’s system when viewing a specially crafted PNG image in an affected mail client. More info here. Users can update via Help > About Thunderbird or manually update and install from

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Flash Update — Check Your Plugins

Adobe released an update to Flash on February 15th to address an exploit that affected Internet Exploiter users. Even if you don’t use IE, you should still update your Flash plugins. Also this would a good time to check on the ‘health’ of your other Firefox plugins. You can do this from within Firefox by going to Tools > Add-ons and then clicking the link Check to see if your plugins are up to date. This will open the Mozilla plugin checker site in a new tab where a quick scan will tell you which plugins needs to be updated.

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Firefox 10.0.2 Released

Mozilla released a security update to all versions of Firefox 10 on February 16, 2012. The Firefox 10.0.2 security release addresses a bug in the lipng reference library which could cause an integer overflow or truncation. This in turn could be exploited and could result in execution of arbitrary code on a victim’s system when viewing a specially crafted PNG image in an affected browser. More info here. Users can update via Help > About Firefox or manually update and install from

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