Mozilla released an update for Firefox 10.0.0 desktop and Android along with Firefox ESR on February 10, 2012. Version 10.0.1 fixes a startup crash and an issue with Java applet causing text entry fields to become semi-unresponsive. User should now be able to update from Firefox 10.0.0 (desktop and ESR) to the new 10.0.1 version via Help > About Firefox.
Mozilla Messaging has released an update for Thunderbird 10.0.0 desktop and ESR versions. Thunderbird 10.0.1 was released on February 9th, 2012: Several fixes to improve stability. Fix a security issue, see the Security Advisory. User can update via Help > About Thunderbird or manually download and update at site.
…Adobe has been modifying its popular Flash Player to include the sandbox technology that would block malicious code before executing. Adobe on Feb. 6 released a beta version of the Flash Player plug-in that has the sandbox for Firefox for Windows Vista and Windows 7. The final version is expected later this year…” Source: Security – News & Reviews – eWeek.comMore Adobe Flash Player Protected Mode Beta Released for Firefox ↑Go get it↓
…The pages – located at vkernel(dot)org, aveonix(dot)org, smolvell(dot)org, stocknick(dot)org – are not able to detect what browser the users use and serve either a Firefox or Chrome themed fake update warning. …Users are warned to be careful when being presented similar pages. The aforementioned four are still online, but there might be others. In any case, it’s always best to update your browser by using the updating mechanism it contains.” Source: More Bogus “browser update” pages deliver malware ↑Go get it↓
If you’ve ever found yourself giving up while clicking through an online photo gallery or grinding your teeth in frustration at an online vendor’s tiny thumbnails, help is on the way. Firefox and Chrome each have plug-ins that will automatically enlarge thumbnails as you hover over them, saving eyestrain and precious time. Here’s how to use them:… “ February 3, 2012 How To – CNET How to automatically enlarge thumbnails online
Just Released January 31st Thunderbird 3.1.18 Thunderbird 10.0 Thunderbird 10.0.0 ESR February 3rd Thunderbird 11 Beta (11.0b1)* Thunderbird 12 Earlybird (12.0a2) Coming Soon March 13th Thunderbird 3.1.19 Thunderbird ESR 10.0.1 Thunderbird 11 Final Release Thunderbird 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 13 Earlybird (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Thunderbird 3.1.20 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.1.x BRANCH* Thunderbird ESR 10.0.2 Thunderbird 12 Final Thunderbird 13 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 14 Earlybird (13.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary…
Just Released January 31st Firefox 3.6.26 Firefox 10.0 Firefox ESR 10.0.0 Firefox 10 for Android February 3rd Firefox 11 Beta (11.0b1)* Firefox 12 Aurora (12.0a2)* Coming Soon March 13th Firefox 3.6.27 Firefox ESR 10.0.1 Firefox 11 Final Release Firefox 11 for Android Firefox 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Firefox 13 Aurora (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Firefox 3.6.28 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.6.X BRANCH* Firefox ESR 10.0.2 Firefox 12 Final Release Firefox 12 for Android Firefox 13 Beta (13.0b1)* Firefox 14 Aurora (14.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge…
Mozilla Messaging has completed the merge of Thunderbird 12 to the Early Bird developmental channel. Existing Earlybird user may be able to update within the application via Help > About Earlybird (at press time the updater was not working) otherwise you can manually download and install Earlybird from here. Thunderbird 12 is scheduled for release on April 23, 2012. Lightning Users: You will need to manually update to Lightning 1.4b1 via the Calendar Versions site.
Mozilla Messaging has completed the merge of Thunderbird 11 to the Beta channel. What’s new in Thunderbird 11 Beta: Tabs are now shown above the toolbar New wizard to sign up for new accounts More trust options added to junk settings (Bogofilter, DSPAM, POPFile) and several other platform fixes Existing Thunderbird Beta users should be able to update from within Thunderbird via Help > About Thunderbird. Otherwise users can download Thunderbird Beta 11 and manually update here. Lightning Users: You will need to manually update Lightning to 1.3b1 which can be obtained from the Calendar Versions site. Thunderbird 11 is…
Mozilla has completed the merge of Firefox 12 on to the Aurora developmental channel on February 3, 2012. What’s New in Firefox Aurora: Firefox Aurora Notes for Windows, Mac, Linux For Developers: Firefox Aurora Hacks Firefox 12 is scheduled for release on April 24, 2012. You can test out Firefox 12 Aurora from here. Existing Aurora users should be able to update from within Aurora via Help > About Aurora.