Clean Up Your CSS With ‘Dust Me Selectors’

“…Refactoring stylesheets can be difficult, especially when it comes to pruning the old, unused styles — how do you know which rules your sprawling labyrinth of HTML is actually using? “That’s where the Firefox/Opera add-on Dust Me Selectors can help. Dust Me Selectors grabs your stylesheets, looks at all your selectors and then starts parsing HTML to find out which ones you’re actually using. Dust Me Selectors makes the process of refactoring a stylesheet much easier and definitely deserves a spot in the savvy developer’s toolkit….” Source: Webmonkey |  Clean Up Your CSS With ‘Dust Me Selectors’ I have…

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Tired of having to update Lightning every six-weeks (especially those of us who are using the Beta and/or Earlybird/Aurora builds of Thunderbird) when the channel merge hits? EarlyLight is the solution. EarlyLight is developed by rkent and is an unofficial build of Lightning that supports both Beta and Earlybird/Aurora builds of Thunderbird as well as the current release version on all operating systems. No more having to download a different version of Lightning for each Thunderbird channel. Note: EarlyLight currently does NOT support Daily Thunderbird Builds. Before you install EarlyLight, a couple things to keep in mind: If you are using Google Calendar(s)…

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Flash Update to fix FF crashing problems?

22 June 2012They say it’s fixed, then it’s not, then it is…Maybe this time… “Adobe has released an updated version of its proprietary Flash Player 11.3 plugin to address a bug that caused Firefox 13 on Windows to crash for some users. The problem is believed to have been related to the recently introduced Protected Mode for the Windows version of Flash Player and the open source web browser; the new mode is designed to isolate the plugin from the rest of the system by running it in its own sandbox… “ Source: The H Open: News and Features More…

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Forcing Add-ons To Work

Mozilla made some changes to way add-ons were deemed ‘compatible’ back in Firefox 10.If an add-on is hosted on AMO and met certain criteria (see below) then the compatibility would automatically be ‘bumped up’ to the next Firefox version. Because of this, the Addon Compatibly Reporter can no longer be used to force add-ons to work (though it can still be used to “report” compatibly status). Brain King, the author of the Add-on Compatibility Reporter extentions explains: Compatible By Default does not enable all extensions. The types not enabled include the following: Add-ons marked to work with a Firefox version less than 4.0 Add-ons with binary components Add-ons explicitly marked…

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Fight! Chrome sync, Xmarks shred browser bookmarks

” This morning I’m dealing with the wreckage after enabling Xmarks on both my Firefox and Chrome browsers. Xmarks is a cloud-based service that synchronizes bookmarks between browsers. It worked beautifully when I began using it with Firefox, but I wanted to use it as a cross-browser solution. When I added the extension to Google Chrome, however, everything went haywire… “ June 18, 2012 | Source: Computerworld Blogs Fight! Chrome sync, Xmarks shred browser bookmarks Go get it.

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Firefox Junior coming to the iPad

Mozilla announced last week they have a prototype of what it to be a very scaled down version of the Firefox browser for the iPad. Code named Junior, this browser will not be built upon the traditional Gecko rendering engine due to restriction imposed by Apple (AppStore). Instead the browser will be based on Webkit. While this does offer other browser choices for iPad users, they will not have all the options that a Gecko based browser would have. It will support multiple users who can have their own tabs and bookmarks. mozilla links has some screen shots of the prototype along with a link to the…

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In-Content Preferences Coming to Firefox 15

When I first saw this posted over at mozilla links, I really didn’t understand what ‘In-Content Preferences’ was. Turns out it is another feature that Mozilla stole…I mean borrowed from Chrome. However, this is going to be a nice change to the Firefox UI. Currently, when you access the Options (Firefox Button > Options > Options) you get a pop-up window where you can make changes to your Firefox preferences. The downside is you can not do anything else with Firefox until you close the preferences window. Starting with Firefox 15, the preferences “window” will be opening in a new tab. The…

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Thunderbird Release Update: June 16th, 2012

Just Released June 5th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.5 Thunderbird 13 June 7th Thunderbird 14 Beta (14.0b1) June 14th Thunderbird 15 Earlybird (15.0a2) June 15th Thunderbird 13.0.1 Coming Soon July 17th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.6 Thunderbird 14 Thunderbird 15 Beta (15.0b1)* Thunderbird 16 Earlybird (16.0a2)* Future Releases August 28th Thunderbird ESR 10.0.7 Thunderbird 15 Thunderbird 16 Beta (16.0b1)* Thunderbird 17 Earlybird (16.7a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more…

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Firefox Release Update June 16, 2012

Just Released June 5th Firefox 13.0 Firefox for Android 10.0.5 Firefox 10.0.5 ESR June 6th Firefox 14 Beta 6 (14.0b6) June 7th Firefox 15 Aurora (15.0a2)* June 15th Firefox 13.0.1 Coming Soon July 17th Firefox 14.0 Firefox for Android 10.0.6 Firefox 10.0.6 ESR Firefox 15 Beta (15.0b1)* Firefox 16 Aurora (16.0a2)* Future Releases August 28th Firefox 15.0 Firefox for Android 10.0.7 Firefox 10.0.7 ESR Firefox 16 Beta (16.0b1)* Firefox 17 Aurora (17.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to…

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Modify UI Font Face and Size

It is possible to change the display font and the size of the font on the Thunderbird User Interface. However, it is not something that can be done within Thunderbird. You will need to modify your userChrome.css file within your Thunderbird  profile folder. Follow these directions below to make the modifications: From within Thunderbird go to Help > Troubleshooting Information In the Application Basics section next to Profile Folder, click the Show Folder button An Explorer/Kernel Window should open to the location of your profile folder. CLOSE Thunderbird Go the Chrome folder and locate the file userChrome.css and edit. Note: Some installs of Thunderbird may not include a chrome folder. If this the case create…

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