Changes to Firefox ‘Updates’ Coming

Big changes are coming to the way Firefox updates. With these improvements users are going to be able to start running the updated version and the update process is going to be a lot smoother for Windows Vista and 7 users. Changes include how the updates are downloaded and installed as well being able to apply updates without Windows Vista and 7 users having to continually giving the application ‘permission’ to update (UAC prompts). More technical details can be found on Laurence Mandel’s Blog.

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New ‘Windows’ Logo For Windows 8?

Found this over on Tom’s Hardware and it has me wondering. First off, keep in mind nothing has been officially released by Microsoft, but rumors are that they are going to give the Windows Logo a makeover for the upcoming Windows 8. Now a couple things that this new (and again unofficial) design have be wondering about. First off, I had heard a while back that Microsoft was saying that ‘Windows 8’ was just a code name and the official version may be called something else. Keep in mind Windows 3.1 which was released 20-years ago this March was the…

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There is currently no waiting for add-on reviews…

For the first time in years (may be ever) the folks at AMO are caught up on add-on reviews. How long this will last, who knows? Though they are expecting for the next few days for reviews to be completed within in a few minutes (during normal ‘business hours’) of submission. They are encouraging developers to take this opportunity to make sure their add-ons have been reviewed. Mozilla Add-ons Blog

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Firefox for Metro Planned

Interesting post over on Tom’s Hardware about Mozilla’s plan to create a special Firefox to support the upcoming Windows 8 (or whatever Microsoft ends up calling it) Metro Interface. For those not quite familiar with the planned Metro, interface it is going to very similar to the Windows 7 Phones. Mozilla plans on making a special version of Firefox that will support tablets and other touch devices running Windows 8 Metro. More details on the project “in progress”  are listed on the Mozilla wiki.

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Do Not Track Plus

Today is the 3rd day of using this and I think it is going on my “keeper” list.My counter just went over 300.Review:       Do Not Track Plus blocks web beacons and other tracking technologies that advertisers use to track your browsing behavior. Easily see what trackers are in use at each website you visit and block any or all of them. “ Source: Add-ons for Firefox Do Not Track Plus Go get it.

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64-bit Varients – Windows

Fast Firefox faceoff: Nightly vs. Pale Moon vs. Waterfox Three unofficial Firefox variants take advantage of 64-bit processors and 64-bit version of Windows 7By Howard Wen, Network World February 13, 2012 08:08 AM ET Fast Firefox faceoff: Nightly vs. Pale Moon vs. Waterfox

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Thunderbird 10.0.0esr Update Issues

Due to bug 720346 there may still be some updating issues when trying to update from Thunderbird 10.0.0esr to the newly released Thunderbird 10.0.1esr. This bug does NOT affect the regular desktop versions of Thunderbird 10.0.0. No word yet when this may be fixed. If needed users can manually download and install Thunderbird 10.0.1esr here. The next scheduled update for Thunderbird 10.0esr will be Thunderbird 10.0.2esr on March 13th. While on the subject of version numbers, Mozilla in an attempt to fix one issue has once again caused (or recreated) another issue. We are back to the version numbering getting…

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New Tab Is Here (for a limited time)*

Firefox has finally caught up to Chrome when it comes to opening a new tab. In Chrome you are presented with thumbnails of sites you have visited prior. While there have been some extensions that have duplicated this feature, it is now part of the native Firefox UI in both the latest Nightly (13.0a1) and Aurora (12.0a2) builds. Note: it will be available for a limited time on the Aurora builds, see * at the end of this post for more details. Below is a sample from Percy’s (mozilla links) review: Keep in mind this is still a work in…

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Thunderbird Release Update: Febraury 11, 2012

Just Released February 9th Thunderbird 10.0.1 Thunderbird 10.0.1 ESR Coming Soon March 13th Thunderbird 3.1.19 Thunderbird ESR 10.0.2 Thunderbird 11 Final Release Thunderbird 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 13 Earlybird (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Thunderbird 3.1.20 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.1.x BRANCH* Thunderbird ESR 10.0.3 Thunderbird 12 Final Thunderbird 13 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 14 Earlybird (13.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.

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Firefox Release Update: February 11th, 2012

Just Released February 10th Firefox 10.0.1 Firefox ESR 10.01 Firefox 10.0.1 for Android Firefox 11 Beta 2 Coming Soon March 13th Firefox 3.6.27 Firefox ESR 10.0.1 Firefox 11 Final Release Firefox 11 for Android Firefox 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Firefox 13 Aurora (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Firefox 3.6.28 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.6.X BRANCH* Firefox ESR 10.0.2 Firefox 12 Final Release Firefox 12 for Android Firefox 13 Beta (13.0b1)* Firefox 14 Aurora (14.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to…

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