Mozilla Messaging release the scheduled update for Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.x branch on March 14, 2012. This release addressed security issues. Thunderbird 3.1.X user can update via Help > Check for Updates or user can download and manually install Thunderbird 3.1.20 form here. Next and final release for Thunderbird 3.1 will be Thunderbird 3.1.21 on April 24th, 2012.
Mozilla Messaging release the scheduled update for Mozilla Thunderbird on March 14, 2012. Changes/fixes in Thunderbird 11.0: Tabs on top – facilitates navigation and make it more contextual Various security fixes (Mac) Fixes issue with Thunderbird notifications may not work properly with Growl 1.3 or later (Bug 691662) (Windows) Fixes a crash seen during importing of Microsoft Outlook profiles (Bug 723105) Unresolved Known Issue: If you are unable to view content for your RSS feeds in the Wide View Layout, you may need to disable the Lightning Calendar add-on if you have it installed or switch to Classic View and…
Mozilla has originally planned has released the next version of Firefox 3.6.x on March 13, 2012. Firefox 3.6.28 fixed several security issues.& several stability issues. Existing Firefox 3.6.x users can update via Help > Check For Updates. The next and final release for Firefox 3.6.x will occur on April 24th with version 3.6.29 release.
Mozilla has released as originally planned, Firefox 11 on Tuesday, March 13th for Desktop and Firefox 10.0.3 for Android users. New stuff in Firefox 11.0 include: Ability to import bookmarks from Google Chrome (makes coming back from Chrome that much easier) New Style Editor allows users to see the CSS working for the current page, disable and re-enable it, editing and see the effect immediately, and save changes for accelerated web development. Firefox Sync now supports add-ons (extensions and themes) as synchronized items joining forms, passwords, tabs, history, bookmarks and preferences. See the Release Notes for more information and other…
Mozilla has opted to err on the side of caution and has announced the delay of this Tuesday’s planned releases. These include the release of Firefox 11.0 (Desktop and Android), 10.0.3 ESR and 3.6.28 builds. A couple reasons for this delay: Possible conflicts (as has happened in the past) with Microsoft’s Windows Update Tuesdays. Reports from ZDI about a security vulnerability that could require a patch for the upcoming releases. Mozilla plans on still doing the planned releases this week, but a couple days later to see how everything plays out, Speaking of security vulnerabilities Firefox 3.6 was updated back…
Mozilla has opted to err on the side of caution and has announced the delay of this Tuesday’s planned Firefox releases. Since Mozilla normally pairs up the Thunderbird releases with Firefox, this week’s planned Thunderbird releases will likely be delayed as well. These include the release of Thunderbird 11.0, 10.0.3 ESR and 3.1.20 builds. A couple reasons for this delay: Possible conflicts (as has happened in the past) with Microsoft’s Windows Update Tuesdays. Reports from ZDI about a security vulnerability that could require a patch for the upcoming releases. Mozilla plans on still doing the planned releases this week, but…
Just Released None Coming Soon March 13th Thunderbird 3.1.19 Thunderbird ESR 10.0.3 Thunderbird 11.0.0 Thunderbird 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 13 Earlybird (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Thunderbird 3.1.20 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.1.x BRANCH* Thunderbird ESR 10.0.4 Thunderbird 12 Final Thunderbird 13 Beta (12.0b1)* Thunderbird 14 Earlybird (13.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.
Just Released None Coming Soon March 13th Firefox 3.6.27 Firefox ESR 10.0.3 Firefox 11 Final Release Firefox 11 for Android Firefox 12 Beta (12.0b1)* Firefox 13 Aurora (13.0a2)* Future Releases April 24th Firefox 3.6.28 *LAST RELEASE ON 3.6.X BRANCH* Firefox ESR 10.0.4 Firefox 12 Final Release Firefox 12 for Android Firefox 13 Beta (13.0b1)* Firefox 14 Aurora (14.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.
Mozilla showcased their Boot to Gecko aka B2G, an open source mobile operating system at Mobile World Congress. The operating systems is amazingly fast and snappy to use. We were very much impressed with its performance…. “ Fri, 2012-03-02 04:32 by Muktware Bureau Source: Muktware Mozilla’s Boot to Gecko Hands On Preview
…After a lot of thought, including consideration of the community poll results, we’re planning to make “themes” the name for custom visual changes to Firefox, whether through Personas or existing themes. We think it’s easiest for a user trying to change Firefox’s look to go to a single place without worrying about the difference between a “theme”, a “background”, and a “skin”.For people who do know the difference and only wish to browse one type of theme, we’ll distinguish “background themes” (current Personas) from “complete themes” (current themes)… “ Source: Mozilla Add-ons Blog – 3.01.12 Personas are joining the…