How-To: Disable Pocket

Even though Mozilla is forcing you to accept Pocket as part of your Firefox experience since they integrated into Firefox (which may be a violation of Pocket’s own TOS), doesn’t mean you have to keep it active. If you want to get rid of this feature that you didn’t ask for, didn’t want and don’t plan to use, follow these simple steps: Remove the Pocket icon from the toolbar by right-clicking on the icon and select ‘Remove from Toolbar’ Open a new tab and in the address bar type about:config and press enter (if applicable) click the I’ll be careful,…

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Windows 10 Free Upgrade Trap

As mentioned in the prior article, there is something about the Windows 10 Free Upgrade that Microsoft is not being very clear about which could have a very negative effect on the PC Market. Microsoft has claimed over and over ‘Windows 10 owners can expect to get free updates for the “supported lifetime of the device”.’ Okay, so as long as the device is working I can get free updates, right? Not exactly, the key term in Microsoft’s statement is supported lifetime of the device. Some sources indicate that this device lifetime is  going to be 2 or 4 years depending on…

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PC Sales are Declining Rapidly

News came out the end of last week, that for the second straight quarter PC Sales have declined and this is the biggest decline in the last two years. One of the factors was an unusually big push in PC sales last year because of Microsoft phasing out Windows XP. The Windows 10 release is just around the corner and that may end up further hurting the PC market. Consumers won’t need to rush out and and buy a new PC simply to get Windows 10. Microsoft offering a free upgrade during the first 12-months of Windows 10 release to those who have…

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The Perils of Flash

Adobe Flash is one of those browser plugins that a lot of people can not live without, with Java being a close second. Problem with Flash (and Java) is there are major security exploits that are being discovered daily. Adobe just release an updated for Flash last week and already has plans on releasing another update this week to patch an exploit just discovered in the last fix. Some people such as Grand Stream Dreams blogger Claus have opted to do away with Flash (and other Adobe products) on some their systems: Taking Flash Player out to the Bins. Unfortuantly,…

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Pale Moon to switch from Gecko to Goanna rendering engine

Came across this gHacks article via Grand Stream Dreams. Starting with Pale Moon 26 the rendering engine is going to move from Gecko to Goanna. From what I gather, the change is more for legal reasons (Gecko is registered trademark licensed to the Mozilla Foundation by Netscape/AOL) and also to fix compatibility issues with websites detecting the wrong version of Gecko because of the numbering differences with Pale Moon and Firefox. There is really not going to much changes under the hood so to say. It is going to be a fork off of Gecko much like Chromium (Open Source Project based…

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Three Pillars Update

I had mentioned in the in Three Pillars of Firefox post that I was going to try to find more info about the “Uniquely Firefox” pillar. So far the only thing I have come across is Tracking Protection may be included in Private Browsing mode. KWierso explained on mozillaZine Tracking Protection versus Do Not Track: “Do Not Track” really only indicates your wish that the site doesn’t track you while you visit. Tracking Protection is a feature that actively blocks tracking scripts while you browse. Of course, I am wondering how long until certain websites will either not allow you to access them…

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Back to Firefox

About a year ago I had opted to do away with the El Guru’s Blog and post anything tech related on this blog. During the past month I was looking over the content of the blog and notice the majority of the content from the past 9-years (as of May 1st) is Firefox. In April 2009 I split off the Thunderbird content over to the Email Mafia Blog as I wanted to keep the Firefox Extension Guru’s Blog dedicated to Firefox only. In the past year I had come across some none Firefox content I had considered posting, but didn’t because I…

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Server Maintenance Complete

We appreciate your patience while we transitioned the blog on to a new and improved server. We also made some minor changes to the theme including changing the menu colors as well as making the background color of the widgets the same as the rest of the blog. We also did remove some redundant or out-dated content from the sidebar.

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Going Back to KitKat

In December 2012 I bought an Asus Nexus 7 tablet. This was the 2012 Wi-Fi only model as they did come out with a cellular version later on in 2013. I had used the tablet for school, community service project as well as for looking up information at home from the comfort of my couch. Everything was going great, that was until Google pushed out Lollipop (Android 5.x) late in 2014 and my tablet became a very expensive paperweight. It was sluggish and would freeze randomly. Oddly enough, it worked fairly well when I was using it as in car…

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Thunderbird 38.1.0 Released

Mozilla has released the next installment of the Thunderbird 38.x branch on July 9, 2015. Thunderbird 38.1.0 contains underlying code that is Firefox 38.1.0 esr. Some of the fixes and issues in this release include: FIXED – Copy/Paste into plain text editor deletes newlines from quoted text (bug 1143570) FIXED –  OAuth2 authentication for GMail does not work when specified server is or (bug 1176773) UNRESOLVED – Import from Outlook and Eudora disabled, code currently not working (bug 1175055) Important! If you are still using Thunderbird 31.x, you will be prompted to update to Thunderbird 38.1.0 next week. The Thunderbird 31.x…

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