On June 15, 2012 Mozilla released an update for Thunderbird 13. The new update, Thunderbird 13.0.1 addresses some bugs with saving POP emails as txt, some POP issues and partner related issues. Existing Thunderbird 13 users can update via Help > About Thunderbird or can manually download and install Thunderbird 13.0.1 via getthunderbird.com site.
Mozilla has pushed out an emergency update for Firefox 13 on June 15th, 2012. Firefox 13.0.1 addresses the following issues: Bug 764546: Windows Messenger did not load in Hotmail, and the Hotmail inbox did not auto-update Bug 756850: Hebrew text sometimes rendered incorrectly Bug 747683: Flash 11.3 sometimes caused a crash on quit Note: In regards to the Flash Bug (747683) this does NOT address issues related to Flash videos not playing in Firefox (which may also be affecting Firefox 12.0.x users as well) for Windows Vista and 7 users. Firefox 13.0 user should be able to update via Firefox Menu > Help > About Firefox or can manually…
I have been hearing issues about this at Go Firefox! But since I use Chrome for playing videos I was not aware how much on an issue it was. From the Mozilla Add-ons Blog: ” Some Firefox users on Windows Vista and Windows 7 are experiencing problems when viewing videos in Adobe Flash Player 11.3, released on June 8, 2012. Firefox and/or Flash Player may crash or not load videos using Flash Player, or videos may not display correctly. Adobe and Mozilla are working closely to diagnose and address these issues. In the meantime, Firefox users experiencing problems viewing videos in…
Prior to the release of Thunderbird 13, the Dropbox feature which allowed users to attach large files from The Cloud (after uploading through Dropbox) had been removed [Bug 754993]. I recall early on there were some security concerns about this feature from business users. They had wanted the ability to disable this feature so that proprietary information couldn’t accidentally be placed on The Cloud. Now, it is being restored, as an add-on with a target milestone of Thunderbird 16 (due for release around October 9, 2012) [Bug 763471].
After a little over a week delay, the merge for Thunderbird 15 on to the Earlybird channel is completed. However, at this time the update channel has not been reactivated. If you want to move to Thunderbird 15 Earlybird you can do so by manually downloading and installing Earlybird. Users can keep checking for an update via Help > About Earlybird. Warning: Lightning Users! There are currently no builds available for Windows or Mac OSX on either the Earlybird or Daily builds. Keep checking the MDN Calendar Versions site to check for updates.
Just updated my plugins on my main machine as advised in our post yesterday. When I ran the Adobe Flash Installer,I was asked about how to install updates then when it went to install I noticed it was also installing McAfee Security Scan Plus. I canceled the install (which also deletes the installer file) and went back into Firefox and re-downloaded the installer. Upon running again the first screen was the prompt about how to install updates and then clicking next (or was it continue) takes me to the installation. While it is not unusual for these plugins to come with bloatware,…
Check your other plugins while you are at it. [https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/] ” Computerworld – Adobe today patched seven critical vulnerabilities in Flash Player — the fifth security update so far in 2012 — and released a sandboxed plug-in for Mozilla’s Firefox.The company also released the “silent update” tool for OS X, and said it had prepped Flash for the upcoming OS X 10.8, aka Mountain Lion, by signing its code, a requirement if users are to install software downloaded from sources other than Apple’s own Mac App Store… “ June 8, 2012 Source: Computerworld Adobe patches critical Flash bugs, ships sandboxed plug-in…
With Firefox 13, Mozilla has changed the behaviour of new tabs as we had mentioned last month. Now when opening a new tab, a list of recently visited sites are displayed including thumbnails of said sites. There has been a lot of demand for that feature by Firefox users as Chrome has had it for long time and I think Opera does as well. To turn it off (permanently) and go back to a blank page follow these directions: 1) Type in “about:config” (without the quotes) in the browser address bar and then press enter. 2) Click on the warning “I’ll…
Mozilla made some changes to the algorithm used for Smooth Scrolling in Firefox 13. Much like the ‘Hardware Acceleration’ feature introduced a while back, some users are going to find that it does not work well on their machines. To turn off ‘Smooth Scrolling’ go to Firefox Button > Options > Advanced. Uncheck the box in the Browsing Section for Smooth Scrolling and click OK.
Mozilla has released Firefox 13 on June 5th, 2012. Several UI changes in this update and more information can be found here and in the Release Notes. This release does not support Windows 2000 or Windows XP SP1 (or older) due to the move to MSVC 2010 compiler for the builds. Users can update via Help > About Firefox or can manually download and install the new version of Firefox via getfirefox.com site. Firefox 14 will be the next release in six weeks (July 17th).