We mentioned the Java Console Extension as one of those extensions that a program (in this case Oracle’s Java) installs into Firefox without the user’s knowledge. Unless you are a Java Developer, this extension serves no real purpose for most Firefox users. Many users find they have multiple Java Console extensions and some (or all) are disabled. However, there is no way to remove the extension(s) via the Firefox add-ons manager. A long time ago we posted on how to remove the extension and thought it may be a good idea to post it again.Especially since some users may want…
As noted in yesterday’s Firefox Release Recap, Firefox 8 will be released on Tuesday, November 8th. There are several new features coming in this release and there are couple that really standout. These include additions to the add-ons installation and management process as well as only allowing tabs to load when selected upon restart. Add-ons check first run On your first run after you have updated to Firefox 8, you are going to see an add-ons screen similar to that below. This will let you know which add-ons are currently installed, if they are compatible (or can be updated) and…
Just Released None Coming Soon November 8th Firefox 8 Firefox 8 for Android Firefox 9 Beta (9.0b1)* Firefox 10 Aurora (10.0a2) – November 8th* Future Releases December 20th Firefox 9 Final Release Firefox 9 for Android Final Release Firefox 10 Beta (10.0b1)* Firefox 11 Aurora (10.0a2)* January 31st Firefox 10 Final Release Firefox 10 for Android Final Release Firefox 11 Beta (11.0b1)* Firefox 12 Aurora (12.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Aurora and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by…
Just Released None Coming Soon November 8th Thunderbird 3.6.24 Thunderbird 8 Thunderbird 9 Beta (9.0b1)* Thunderbird 10 Earlybird (10.0a2) – November 8th* Future Releases December 20th Thunderbird 9 Final Release Thunderbird 10 Beta (10.0b1)* Thunderbird 11 Earlybird (10.0a2)* January 31st Thunderbird 10 Final Release Thunderbird 11 Beta (11.0b1)* Thunderbird 12 Earlybird (12.0a2)* * As part of the new Rapid Release Schedule,dates listed for Earlybird and Beta builds reflect when the code merge is set to begin. The actual release to that particular channel may vary by several days. See the Wiki for more details.
For the longest time I had used the Weather Bug extension as I was a subscriber to their Windows desktop widget. However, once Firefox 4 was released the extension stopped working. For a long while their website said they were working on getting it operational for Firefox 4 and newer. Finally though, they announced they were dropping the extension. So I started looking for another Weather extension. I wanted something that was low profile and customizable. After looking around AMO, I came across Forecastfox Weather, powered by Accuweather.com. There are a lot of things about this add-on that impress me….
A Mac user recently contacted The Guru regarding Mouse Pointer problems which had started earlier in the week. Since I have really no idea what is causing this and also since I am not a Mac user, I am re-posting their contact in hopes that one of our readers will have an idea as to what is going on. I am using Firefox 7.0.1 Release Update Channel [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1] on a MAC PRO. NOTE: This issue does NOT affect SAFARI web browser. Safari works fine. This issue concerns only FIREFOX. Problem: 1….
pdf.js is a Firefox extension being developed by Mozilla Labs which uses HTML5 to display PDF files within Firefox without the need of a PDF browser plugin such as Adobe Reader or FoxIt Reader (note: you will still need one of these readers to view local/downloaded PDF files). This extension is still experimental and in development, but appears to be fairly stable. Once install it is ready to go without a browser restart, but you will need to disable any other PDF related plugins/extensions.This add-on works with Firefox 7.0 thru 10.0a1 builds. Resources PDF.js MozillaWiki pdf.js project site Install pdf.js
I haven’t tried this yet but if it works as advertised should make a lot of folks happy. Here is a list of some of the configuration options that FeatureFix provides: Change the default Firefox source code viewer Define where the tab bar close button or buttons are located in the browser (every tab, active tab, on the right of the tab bar, no close buttons at all) Disable url trimming (removal of http://) and url formatting (greying out subdomains and directories). Removal of the go button and bookmark star. Display attributes on mouse over, including Alt, Title, Src, Href,…
Automatic updates for Firefox 10 Nightly Windows (x32 and x64) builds had been temporally disabled earlier this week due to start up crashes with ‘Windows 8’ [Bug 695161]. It appears this issue has been corrected on 10/20/11 and quite possibly by the time this article is published, users will be able to update via Help > About Nightly. If the automatic updates are still not functioning you can always update manually by downloading the latest trunk build here.
While rare, there are occasions while updating a plugin or theme things may not go smoothly. I was trying to update a theme on one of my (many) WordPress sites. The update was successful, however the server hiccuped before maintenance mode was turned off. So the site was stuck in maintenance mode, which means you can not access the front end or even your dashboard. I do believe though there is a some type of safety timeout threshold in place so that your not permanently locked out of your dashboard. I had a similar issue while trying to do a…