Weekly Roundup: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Today is Sunday, December 4th: time for the weekly roundup of the good, the bad and the ugly tech news of the week! Because of the US Thanksgiving holiday, there was not a weekly roundup this past weekend. Also, since there has been so much focus on Twitter lately, they will be excluded for this (and likely future) roundups so that we can bring attention to other news.

The Good

Google has admitted they need to do a better job of patching Android phones. While the exploits are being fixed quickly, however the updates are not getting pushed out to the users in a timely manner leaving their uses at risk. It is rare these days for a company to admit they need to do a better job at protecting their customers.

The Bad

Epson a long time maker of printers has announced their plans to exit the Laser Printer business in 2026. Their exit is for “sustainability” reasons due to the amount of electricity used by laser printers. They instead are going to focus on inkjet printers while not as power hungry as laser printers have their own and if not worse “sustainability” issues.

The Ugly

The popular password manager, LastPass is now disclosing due to their hack back in August of 2022, which they had downplayed to ‘an isolated’ incident, they were hacked again. This time around they cryptically disclosed “certain elements of customers’ information” had been accessed. They did not elaborate on what information was accessed (and we should also assume captured). However, they are defending themselves by saying “customer passwords remain safely encrypted”. I don’t put much faith into that statement form a company who has had several security breaches in the past few years and two within the last 3-months.